FEMALE | Arrived 2022
Missy was hatched at Wingspan in Rotorua from eastern pair of falcons, Aroha and Hamden. She was part of a second clutch of eggs.
Most falcons on average only lay one clutch of eggs around Nov/Dec each year. Sometimes a pair will lay a second clutch of eggs after the first clutch have left the scrape, this is called 'double clutching'.
As Missy hatched so late in the season it was already winter when she was old enough to potentially being released.
During the winter months food becomes scarce. With very little prey around for Missy to learn how to hunt, there was a high risk that she would have been unable to catch enough food and survival over the winter was unlikely.
The decision was made for Missy to join our advocacy/breeding programme here, to help raise the awareness about New Zealand's native falcons, the kārearea.
BRONZE - Leo & Remi Carpenter.
SILVER - Meaters of Marlborough Ltd, Blenheim, NZ
GOLD - Maitai Investments Ltd, Nelson, NZ
If you would like to adopt Missy - head to our Adopt a Falcon page.